A Time of Change

We are in a momentous time as a society. Human coordination has been impacted dramatically due to the Covid Pandemic. Organizations find themselves preparing for a future that is ambiguous – subject to the many environmental changes currently influencing outcomes. We’re in a time of change.

By nature, human beings don’t like change. Change brings uncertainty. There’s risk of loss with change. Change activates anxiety in people, and even well-meaning change faces resistance in the best of times. However, resisting change will not make change go away. The environmental forces are too strong to resist and doing so increases the risk that the environment will change and move on without you. No organizational leader wants or can afford that in these times.

Rather, now is an opportunity to acknowledge change. To understand the fact that change is ongoing and unending, a natural force of life, and stronger at times, of which this is one. To become adaptable, like water, and embrace change. Only then might you take on the determination to shape yourself around change, to be strategic and ride the wave, rather than being crushed by it.

As an applied scientist, I seek to understand the best practices related to the management of behavior within organizations. Postings of my ongoing assessments can be found in the Culture Playbook.

I hope you enjoy these ideas as I populate over time. Understanding the techniques of human coordination is important in these changing times.

M. Milner, Ph.D.